Homemade Sea Buckthorn Juice.

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Gorgeous Sea Buckthorn, with its glorious thin silvery green leaves and plump, juicy bright orange berries. It definitely stands out amongst the rest. With high amounts of protein, fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, the sea buckthorn berry is a powerful food.

When I was a little girl my dad always bring these beautiful berries from his hometown when he goes there.  During the wintertime, it’s very cold in Mongolia. This magic juice protects us from cold and flu. It’s very easy to make and a very powerful juice. The taste is kind of sour but it’s worth it.

Good luck and enjoy 😉


Sea buckthorn juice is delicious and immune, metabolism-boosting also it will support your health and make your skin glow 😉


  • 6 cups of filtered water
  • 4 cups fresh or frozen sea buckthorn (I found these frozen berries from a Russian store) 
  • 1/3 cup sugar ( or pure honey )
  • pinch of cinnamon, optional 

To make:

  1. Boil the water and add berries.
  2. Turn off the stove and let it cool on the same stove and put the lid on.
  3. After 1 hour put the sugar or honey stir well. A good idea is to dissolve sugar or honey in a small amount of warm juice before adding it to berries. Also, you can add cinnamon if you like.
  4. You can drink at any time. (I put the berries on the bottom of the pot to my teas 😉  Because I like sour fruits.

It’s widely popular in Mongolia as a natural remedy against cold and flu during the wintertime. Also, you can use a juicer and make a Sea Buckthorn juice too. 

How to Juice Sea Buckthorn Berries if you have no Juicer

Wash the berries and blend them using a hand blender or a food processor. This will result in a runny puree of the berries and their seeds.

Add a sweetener, and blend the berries for 1 more minute.

Strain the juice using a strainer, and set the pulp aside. Don’t throw away the pulp, we will get to it later.

Dilute the juice with water. It is best to dilute the juice if you don’t want it very tart. Another reason is to protect the enamel of our teeth.

Freeze the juice if you have excess and cannot consume it in one go.

Enjoy 😉


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  • Anonymous says:

    Hi.ene чацарганий шүүс мөн үү?

  • Demita Frazier says:

    I am very excited to have found your blog! I am starting a permaculture urban garden project in Chicago, IL and sea buckthorn is one of my primary plantings. I’m doing basic research on the plant and all its uses, and the fruit is of particular interest, as well as the oil. I’m looking forward to finding some frozen berries and making the juice next week – there’s a couple of stores that cater to Russians and Eastern Europeans that should carry the fruit. Thanks for the knowledge and the recipe. All the best!

    • admin says:

      Thank you for your comment. Good luck with your project. We used to use Sea buckthorn lot in Mongolia. There are several different juice and oil in Mongolia which helps to boost the immune system. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find those in North America, Luckily I found some frozen Sea buckthorn in Ukrainian store near Toronto. You should check Polish stores in Milwaukee street in Chicago. I used to live in the Chicago area and found lots of eastern European foods in that area. Thanks again for your visit in my blog and please visit again for more new fresh recipes. Best wishes Altaa

  • Cindy says:

    Thanks a lot for sharing this ! I am trying it tonight 🙂
    How long will the juice last in the fridge ?

    • admin says:

      It will last up to 4-5 days in the fridge. Good luck. Thank you for your visit to my blog and leaving a comment.
      If you have any other question please let me know

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